Lands End to John O’Groats Bike Ride


LEJOG Day 3 – Okehampton – Chepstow

Miles 119 | Climbing 5875 ft. | 9 hours 35 minutes

Exciting day – we’re off to Wales! Again, the first part of the day had a lot of short sharp climbs, but all of a sudden once we got to the Taunton area it goes flat, and we were able to make strong progress north on the A38, which shadows the M5 route. Once we reached Clevedon we picked up the Avon Cycleway which was a nice break from the roads, and it was good to see our friend Alex who was working in the area and had tracked our progress online.

To get into Wales you need to take the northernmost of the Severn crossing bridges – the southern (M4) route does not allow cyclists. This is a bit hairy when it’s windy; we had a good headwind when we went over but nothing too bad, but I have read elsewhere that when they close the bridge for bad weather the cycle path remains open so a lot of haste and care is the order of the day.

We reached Chepstow, just the other side of the bridge as our final destination for the day, very happy that we’d completed our first long day with no issues.

Next page – Day 4