Lands End to John O’Groats Bike Ride


LEJOG Day 7 – Thornhill – Tarbet

Miles 103 | climbing 3168 ft |8 hours 45 minutes

With the full force of Hurricane Katia now giving us a considerable push north we made very fast progress towards Glasgow on our newly adjusted route. There was a very wide, smooth cycle path for some of the route, and 5 and a half hours later we were in the centre of the city. Our route then took us through the Clyde Cycle Tunnel which to be frank was not at all pleasant. It’s narrow, long, claustrophobic and we were glad to reach the other end. I definitely wouldn’t of fancied it by myself, but once out we headed west towards Dumbarton.

If you’re going this way It’s well worth studying the GPS map above to see where we left the A82 and picked up a cycle route to Balloch on the south shores of Loch Lomond. This was not ideal terrain for road bikes but navigating through a field of cows did cut out a considerable climb on busy roads.

Loch Lomond was a welcome sight. No more cities to navigate, and although we were still 250 miles south of the target it now felt within reach. Nick had a night in the Bay Tarbet hotel whilst Roshan and I were parked up in the car park on the shores of a very grey and gloomy Loch Lomond. Tomorrow’s forecast was not looking good.

Next page – day 8