Lands End to John O’Groats Bike Ride


LEJOG Day 8 – Tarbet – Glen Coe

Miles: 43 | climbing 1857ft | 4 hours 57 minutes

Hurricane Katrina was knocking the western side of Scotland with a vengeance now and to start with it was OK whilst we hugged the road around Loch Lomond, very protected by trees. It was particularly unpleasant on the bikes as it’s a fast road but not wide enough for traffic to overtake when there are oncoming vehicles. Coaches in particular are worth keeping an eye out for – with their engines in the back they come up behind you very quietly.

We continued in dreadful weather through Crianlarich and out onto Ranoch Moor. We were now very exposed and the wind was becoming a real problem. As we approached the ski resort it was getting unrideable, and I fell off (nothing spectacular at no more than walking pace). We decided to call it a day, and call Roshan to come and get us. Nicks hotel accommodation was 40 miles or so further on near Spean Bridge so we got there early afternoon – having tipped our caps in respect for the girl we’d seen up on the moor earlier as we overtook her at the bottom of the hill – something we were going to have to negotiate tomorrow. We took the chance for a few hours sleep before what was definitely the culinary highlight of the trip in the Corrigour Lodge Hotel – this was Nick’s birthday, and we enjoyed fantastic food and hospitality culminating with a wee dram in front of a roaring fire as we contemplated having to drive 40 miles in the wrong direction the next morning before we could start.

Despite the set back we were sill committed to a less than 10 days timeline.

Next page – day 9