LEJOG Day 1 – Lands End – Penryn
Miles: 38 | Climbing 2679 ft. | 3 hours 27 minutes

Starting at 3PM allowed us to travel to Lands End from home that day, and allowed a great ‘shakedown’ ride to check everything worked and our communication with the support driver was all good.
Arriving at Land’s End was a little daunting; whilst we were both mentally committed to the effort in front of us we really didn’t know if we would hold up to the reality of sitting on a bike for 100 miles day after day. We’d completed over a thousand miles training each, including a 100 mile ride so were as well prepared as we could be, but we had never ridden 100 miles on consecutive days. It was also very exciting, and after the obligatory ‘signpost shot’ it was time to get going. Whilst doing this we were approached by a couple who were intrigued to know what we were up to and promptly made a donation to our charity collection – this was the first of many such gestures that made a huge impact on our determination to get it done.
We had a few rendezvous points set with Roshan our support driver for water refills and generally check that we were able to keep in touch. All went well, and a relatively easy 40 miles gave our confidence a good boost – so good that a detailed debrief was required in the chainlocker pub in Falmouth!